Business and Investment Opportunities in Morocco

Morocco has now become an important industrial player, in spite of its average growth in the last 15 years, with an average increase of 4.4% of GDP, it is a strong indication that its economic growth rate will continue to improve in Morocco. As the third, the largest recipient  morocco foreign company  investment in 2014, the country is eligible for the financial services sector and telecommunications.

Top export to Morocco

Trade agreements have felt relieved of export of the state of import as well as export from other countries and other countries. Morocco has made trade agreements with the EU, US, Turkey and Arab countries According to the Moroccan data, the 2015 export-
·       Textile sector 16%
·       Automotive 21.4%
·       Phosphate (Agricultural Products) 22.2%

In recent years, Morocco has shown progress in the following areas:

·       This is the third most suitable country in the world
·       51% of Moroccan's internet access is now
·       One free access to one billion subscribers is enabled

FDI in Morocco and North Africa

Morocco is a leader in FDI and North Africa and Morocco have benefited from the immediate and direct foreign investment process policy and availability of more skilled workers in respect of more developed markets. It is considered as an optimal entry for investors from the US and Europe to invest in the rapidly growing African continent. This is due to a stable business environment and support services, and many other African countries have been linked with good air connections.

These are the most promising sector in Morocco

·       Renewable energy
·       Cancer care
·       Automotive
·       Transport
·       Finance
·       Aeronautics
·       ICT

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